Ever Try To Explain To Your Doctor That You Have These Symptoms But No Pain? And They Look At You Like You Are Crazy?
Yes! I have silent migraines and completely understand. You aren’t alone!
Tracy, I have double vision as well! Do prisms help you?
Hi Tracy,
My eye doctor includes prisms in my prescription. They bend the light waves so my brain perceives only one image instead of two. They aren’t very expensive because I order my glasses online and can easily add on prisms (through Zenni.com). I also get pink tinted lenses that help to filter out light and help to prevent migraines.
I hope you are able to connect with an eye doctor who will help you try prisms if you want to. They have made a huge difference for me.
Hi, nobody has suggested anything at all, so I haven’t tried anything other than looking out of one eye at a time. It’s frustrating. Can you please tell me what you do? Thanks so much! I’m sorry I’m a little slow responding lately!🙂🙃
If You Were Bullied For Your Migraines, How Did You Get Over Your Depressing Feelings?
Asking A Doctor For To Fill Out ADA Paperwork For Migraines
Migraine Olfactory Hallucinations. What’s You Coping Mechanism? What’s Your Smell?