Wondering Just How Many On This Site Have Vestibular Migraines As Opposed To Migraines? Two Totally Different. Seems Most Have The Latter.
My theory is that I was placed under incredible stress, caring for my wife who suffered an intra cerebral hemorrhage. It kills 50% and another 42% going forward after 5 years, but my wife is doing terrific. Being a sole care giver every minute of every day is more than daunting - especially for over two years straight. That, along with mountains of medical bills and endless medical appointments and therapy probably caused my V migraines. Originally prescribed Ondansetron 4 mg to prevent migraines and Rizatriptan if the Ondansetron didn’t work well enough.. Then put on 30 mg dose of Nortriptyline before bedtime. Worked like a charm. But that’s after seeing that 10 mg or 20 mg didn’t work. Stayed on 30 mg dose for 3 months. Then thought I’d try weening myself off of it. Now down to 10 mg every night. After I do 3 weeks on 10mg, I’ll do 10mg every other night and none on every other for 3 weeks, then I’m off the drug forever- I hope. Most doctors will not consider weening off of drugs. They really don’t think stress can inflict all kinds of damage to a person’s body.
I have 3 different migraines. I have been using nuertec once a day until it goes away.
Nuertec works for me on. Vestibular and regular migraines.
I have been sent to ER for a migraine cocktail
I have vestibular migraine & status migrainosus. I was finally diagnosed in Dec 2021 after years of suffering with migraines. I didn't understand why I would lose my balance at times, but now I know why. Sometimes I have to crawl to get to the bathroom or kitchen or grab onto to get furniture there. I must have done something horrible in my past lives. 🤣 None of the meds I'm taking help, but they do put me to sleep. 😔
Glad I'm not the only one! I have had occasional migraines prior to my diagnosis for Vestibular Migraine and you are right, they are completely different. People hear "migraine" and just ignore the vestibular part cause they arent familiar with the term. Its very frustrating. I'm also sensitive to heat and the sun and I work a labor type job so I'm struggling a lot right now. I hope you are doing well with your condition!🥰
I was diagnosed with vestibular migraines. Then sent to a neurologist.
I Have Vestibular Migraines. The Only Symptom I Have Is Chronic Vertigo. It Is Debilitating. Any Advice On How To Live With It?
Barometric Pressure....how Does It Affect You And Is There Anything You Can Do To Avoid Them?
My ENT Wants To Do Neurological Testing On My Inner Ear For Menieres I Think It's Called Caloric And Maybe Chair Rotation. Anyone Had These?