I Have Vestibular Migraines. The Only Symptom I Have Is Chronic Vertigo. It Is Debilitating. Any Advice On How To Live With It?
Good like. Our stories are similar. When I tell people I have vestibular migraines, they look at me like I have three head.
This is pretty much how I live. I have been seeing a neurologist regularly. I’ve had every test, pt, mri’s, known to man. I’ve been given several drugs that didn’t agree with me. Recently, I was put on amitriptyline, which seems to be helping. I have finally accepted it and have learned how to live with it. I now have a cane and walking sticks. My triggers are sunshine, going in large places like Walmart, stress and lack of sleep. I have adhered to a migraine diet. I may have one cup of coffee in the morning. I don’t eat chocolate as much as I love it. I’ve worked really hard to figure out what works. I’m the best I’ve been in a long time but it’s still debilitating and unpredictable. Thankfully I am retired and no longer raising five kids so I can stop when I need to. Good luck to all and I hope you all stay health.
That’s me. I feel fine when I’m on my feet. The last few weeks I l have been so bad. I’ve been bedridden. I was falling daily and thankfully haven’t been hurt. I sent a message to my doc that sounded desperate and I was. She prescribed prednisone. Within 12 hours of taking my first dose I couldn’t believe how much better I felt. I have two more days to finish it off. If I begin feeling horrible again, I will talk to my doc about a low dose of prednisone every day. None of the meds that have been prescribed have worked. I haven’t felt this good in months. Fingers crossed I don’t go back to where I was a few weeks ago. I had breast cancer a year ago. Thankfully I am cancer free but I would go through the surgeries and radiation again any time rather than dealing with vestibular migraines. Good luck with your journey. It’s been quite a trip and continues to be.
New here. Dealing with Vestibular migraines and Migraine with Brainstem Aura, luckily very little pain for me either. I just constantly feel like I’m drunk.
I Have Vestibular Migraines. Does Anyone Else Suffer From This Condition?
My ENT Wants To Do Neurological Testing On My Inner Ear For Menieres I Think It's Called Caloric And Maybe Chair Rotation. Anyone Had These?
Hi! Has Anyone Out There Been Diagnosed With Vestibular Migraines Which Caused Severe Balance Issues?