My ENT Wants To Do Neurological Testing On My Inner Ear For Menieres I Think It's Called Caloric And Maybe Chair Rotation. Anyone Had These?
Thank you! I'm doing vestibular therapy now so not sure if this would be worth the aggravation. I have major anxiety right now, that's why I'm hesitating.
Thank you all! I guess the test is called ENG or electrostygnamography. They will induce dizziness in my inner ear and monitor eye movements on a highly sensitive computer. Looking for eye movements during vertigo or dizziness.
I have bilateral Meniers also got bilateral mastoid shunts the test shows what an ENT needs to diagnose. It may be unpleasant however , it will help with additional therapy from physical therapy. The mastoid shunts has help control vertigo but not completely your diet is a big deal many suggestions on Internet. It's tuff. Gratitude helps more than you will ever know and prayer I am 62. Been dealing with this 1980. God bless
That sounds undoable for me at 69.
Yes. I had that test. They put you on a board and flip it...while alternating and shots of hot and cold water in your ears. To see if you go into a seizure. They did other tests too in Houston in a lab. Not very pleasant. But the diagnosis was Menieres. And Pseudo Tumor Ceribri. The swelling of my brain caused the debilitating migraines. I'm 67. This all happened in 1997.
I'm supposed to keep Meclezine and Phenergan on hand but I don't.
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