Have Lots Of Issues And Wondering If This Could Be The Reason I Suffer From Migraines...
I have a TBI and have shattered the bones around my right eye as well as broken my collar bone. I wear contacts/glasses bc my eyesight is really bad. Do you think this is what caused my migraines?
Your doctor should be able to answer that question better than us. Make an appointment. I'm sure he/she can help, but it sound probable.
Same but mostly from the arthritis.
I be in pain 😩
Memory Loss
I Have Vestibular Migraines. The Only Symptom I Have Is Chronic Vertigo. It Is Debilitating. Any Advice On How To Live With It?
I Have Migraines Almost Daily - Cluster, Ocular & Basic Migraine. Doctor Thinks It Is Rebound Headaches. How Do I Know The Difference?