My Chronic Nearly Everyday Migraines Are Wrecking My Marriage. Between Daily Pain And Now On Disability.... He's About To Call It Quits
My husband is not a caregiver but he doesn’t resent it when I’m in bed for days. And he doesn’t fuss about it.
Migraines played a big part in the failure of my marriage. There are many men who do not want to or don't know how to take of a woman with a chronic medical problem. We were together 30 years, married for 24 years. I have no desire to get married again. I take care of myself and prefer it that way.
If he leaves he never loved you. I have had migraines for 50 years. My first husband was an ass every time I got a migraine. My second husband only wants to take care of me every time I get a migraine.
I agree with Mikayla
I am sorry Chelsea. If he's ready to call it quits, then he isn't worth it to begin with.
How Would You Describe A Migraine To A Friend Or Family Member?
How Many Of You Suffer From Depression/anxiety Along With Your Migraines?