Can Allergies Miraculously Disappear?
Has ANYONE heard of environmental allergies, allergies to dust mite, pets etc just go away?? I had been tested and treated with shots twice in the past w the testing showing broad mild allergies ex. Trees, grass, (ie pollens of most any kind), mold, cats, dogs ….Both times testing done intradermal on my forearms and I saw the actual positives. Treatment helped the severity and number of some of my migraines. Weather etc couldn’t be helped nor could smells other than avoidance as able. Was having… read more
The second session being done on my back where I couldn’t see initial injection and subsequent result leaves me with doubts. I’m going to get a second opinion.
I question some of these allergy testing techniques also. I have found out that you can be severly allergic to something today and slighly next month. Maybe you have or build up so much immunity or something or testing is different Maybe??????
Multiple Auras
Migraine Diet Does It Really Work? Also Anyone On It With Food Allergies?
Migraine Buddies, What Is The #1 Worst Side Effect, All Around, From Your Preventative Medication(s).