Multiple Auras
Has anyone had multiple auras in a short span of time? I had 5 in 11 hours. I also had a migraine and took Maxalt and Tylenol.
I think you experienced auras too. Mine starts out as blind spots that starts shimmering, enlarges in size , moving out to the periphery and then disappears. Each episode lasts about 20 minutes. Then I start to get a headache. The most auras I had previous to my recent episode was 3 in about a 3-4 hour span.
Migraine auras can present in multiple phases with different sensory changes. Here are some examples from the knowledge base:
- Visual Auras
- A small spot missing in the center of vision, making letters disappear.
- Bright wavy lines on the outside of the eye.
- Visual disturbances like seeing bright lights, Show Full Answer
Hi sorry to hear about your numerous Aura's, I also get a substantial amount of them, but fortunately never have the headache, although the aura to me is still very frightening, hope you feel better soon and the aura's are less frequent
Hi,not sure if this same but ive had to deal with,flashing lights, zoning out, confusion, numb arm dizziness to name a few all within about 6hrs of a migraine hitting so I believe it can be normal to get so many,could be mistaking.
Who Experiences Auras Before Migraines Sometimes?
Migraine Auras But No Pain
I Had Open Heart Surgery 19 Years Ago To Close A Patent Foramen Ovale’. After My Surgery No More Migraines. This Week I Had 4/with Aura.