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Who Experiences Auras Before Migraines Sometimes?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭

I have always had some visual disturbance with and preceding a migraine. However it is rarer that I have a super aura. The first time I had one, I woke to the certainty of police and emergency vehicles outside our window. The red lights were flashing all around my room. I got out of bed to look out the window, there was nothing. Yet the red flashing continued for a few minutes. Followed by a migraine the first time, but not every time. Sometimes it looks more like moving grayish flying shadows… read more

posted October 6, 2017
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A MyMigraineTeam Member

I have auras like a lightening bolt lasts 20 minutes. I may or may not get the headache. Usually I get blurry vision and feel yucky. I get them maybe twice a month.

posted September 26, 2022
A MyMigraineTeam Member

I can get an aura, and usually within15 to 30 minutes the pain starts. If I am driving I have to pull over and wait for it to go away.

posted June 6, 2021
A MyMigraineTeam Member

I used to get the aura along with verbal difficulties thought I was having a stroke. Used to scare the the hell out of me. Then the headache that would follow would last for days and was horrible

posted July 14, 2019
A MyMigraineTeam Member

Pertaining to the visual auras, a neurologist I saw advised me to chew an aspirin when the visual aura started and it would stop the aura. I tried it and it worked for me.

posted January 16, 2019
A MyMigraineTeam Member

I usually drop off into a deep sleep sitting up and then wake up feeling bad. I get visual aura (scintillating scotoma) as well. Running to the bathroom - not fun. I can't stand light or noise and get irritable or depressed because I can't think straight and sometimes get very clumsy and tend to drop things. The headache pain usually hits about 20 minutes later. I am in the middle of this right now and am feeling despondent because I only had one decent day between this and the last one. :'(

posted March 14, 2018

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Has Anyone Started Seeing Yellow Spots On The Pages Of Books When They Read? This Has Been Happening For A While Now But I Lately It's Worse

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Suffer From Migraines With Aura. Hear A Lot Of Voices And Lose Vision. Has Anybody Here Had A Severe Migraine W/ Aura That Turned Vry Bad??

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭
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