Tums For Migraines?
I reccently had an experience with an ER nurse who said to take tums on the start of a headache or migraine and that will abort the migraine or headache. Has anyone else ever heard of this or tried it?
Well i guess the theory is that Vitamin D is theorised to cause migraines if we have a Deficiency and one of the jobs vitamin D does is help absorb calcium. So if following that line of thought it coupd mean that having low calcium could also cause migraines if our vitamin D is low enough that we arnt proccesing calcium and taking Tums right as you get migraine aura should knock it out? If it is truley calcium that is the culprit? The ER nurse who also suffered migraines sweared by it. It was a strange recommendation.
Mrs Nelson I think Iām a get some tums and try it, cause today I went to the neurologist and he gave me 22 shots of Botox all around my head, shoulders and scalp and it only lasted for about 7 hours with no pain until about 2pm when the migraines started and had to take 2 Tylenols and then every 2 hrs after so it just gave me some relief but not much
I really never heard of such thing, did you try it
Good luck! Let me know how it goes!
No, I have never heard that, and even though I have low vitamin D levels, my Calcium levels are ok. Usually.
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