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Anyone Tried Amovig Injections??? My Neurologist/migraine Specialist Wants Me To Start Them.

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭
Brandon, MS
June 30, 2018
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A MyMigraineTeam Member

I tried Botox twice. it didn't do much at all except hurt like the DEVIL when he injected it and then WORSE the next 2 days and that doesn't include the feeling that my forehead was sliding down my face!!! HATED THEM!!! I've had 2 rounds of Aimovig now, 140mg each time--that's 2 shots!!! They are in a special device where you push a button as you hold one end of it to your butt, thigh, or belly. When you push the button it's like a jet pilot "punching out" of a crashing plane!!!! or an air bag going off-maybe--HURT like HELL!!! DON"T get it in your arm!!!! the MEAN nurse gave my first 2 in the back of my arm. I'm not very "meaty" in that area and it actually hurt worse than the thigh!!! it did give me 3 days MIGRAINE FREE though!!!! I guess it was worth the pain- I'm gonna give it another "shot" pun intended. My husband and I did a "jet propelled" shot in each thigh at the same time and it wasn't as bad. The NICE nurse at the dr's office did sign me up for some program thru the Aimovig co.. that helps pay for it or pay for the portion not covered by ins. in my case that's a little over $250.00!!!! she said you can make up to $50,000.00 a year and still get assistance !!! My nose did bleed a few days after I took my last 2 shots-I SNEEZED and it started bleeding a lot. I don't usually get nose bleeds. It bled off and ON for 4 days-a lot. it was the 3 days w/o a migraine too!!! plus one. Good luck with yours everyone!!! I can't believe you took botox injections for 9 months!!! were they in your FACE??? I had about 15-20 in my face!!! even eyebrows!!! and in front of my ears!!! and then ALL IN MY scalp!!!! They were much worse than the Aimovig JET PROPELLED shots!!!

October 10, 2018
A MyMigraineTeam Member

Aftet suffering from debilitating migraines for 40 years this is nothing. Im willing to try this to see if it can give me some quality of life back. I hope i get some type of relief. I will definitely let everyone know of my ecperiences with it. A nurse called last week asking me if i wanted her to do an in home demonstration of how to administer the drug, so i guess thats some good news.

July 25, 2018
A MyMigraineTeam Member

I'm on my third month of Aimovig, and it's AMAZING (for me). I noticed a difference after two weeks, and my twice a day debilitating migraines have been bearable and reduced by 50%. Typically I still get one migraine a day, BUT I can usually push through it without medication and sometimes it's because I ate something I know triggers me.
Aimovig and the other CGRP class may not help everyone, but it's definitely something to look into since they do have a free trial that your physician may be able to get you set up with.

Edit to add - I previously tried Botox for about 9 months and was able to stop using it because of Aimovig.

October 9, 2018 (edited)
A MyMigraineTeam Member

So true. I actually just went to a new migraine specialist today. I have EDS elhers-danlos syndrome and suffer from migraines to headaches about 27 days out of the month. I went to her to look at maybe trying the Botox and she felt like this new migraine self injections might do the trick. Has anyone tried this before and if so has it helped and any side effects? My doc is wanting me to do two injections at the same time once a month. I have Medicaid and it's free so I'm wondering since they don't know the long term side effects if we're all guienie pigs

September 10, 2018
A MyMigraineTeam Member

It has helped me enough to keep using the injections -- even though I have to pay for the injections by borrowing the money each month to pay the full amount for them.

I have had FHM for over 40 years and over 30 years of common migraines with so many triggers that my headache specialist quit documenting them (seriously! - that many). They have become chronic daily migraines and intractable -- only name brand @@Relpax helps and that is becoming less and less available. While hoping for me to be a super responder to the Aimovig (I'm not), I'm still grateful for the few days (about 1/2) this past two weeks that the 70mgs Aimovig injection gave me from full blown knock down stay in bed all day migraines.

I was so looking forward to this new drug that I kept track of the now called Aimovig drug trials progress. I was first to try it from my pharmacy and jumped on the chance as soon as it was FDA approved. If my doctor(s) had suggested it to me, there would be no question I'd be getting the drug to try.

YMMV, so always talk to your doctor(s) first.

July 14, 2018 (edited)

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