Ocular Migraine
I recently started experiencing some changes in my vision. Been to the eye doctor and they spent some time looking at my retina and at everything else to make sure everything was okay and it all looked normal other than a couple small floaters. Mostly the changes that I'm seeing look like little floaters all over my vision and some days are worse than others. My ophthalmologist suggested I follow up with my neurologist because it might be an ocular migraine. I was wondering if anyone else had… read more
When I had severe migraines with blurry to double vision I was diagnosed with pseudo tumor cerebri. It's too much spinal fluid in the brain & canal because it's not reabsorbing.
Hi I have had ocular and it scares me I was told by OPTHAMOLOGIST to take magnesium Citrate for migraines
It’s scary
They are diagnosing me with this as well. Are you taking med to decrease cerebral spinal fluid?
It can be very scary. I have been dealing with ocular migraines for a year now.. When they happen I lose vision in my left eye. After trying many drugs I have found chiropractic adjustments have lessen them. With my new doctor I have learned I have a hormone imbalance. We think that this is causing my oculars. Hope this helps you!!!
I have had several bad migraines recently and a chronic headache at all times. Under a lot of stress at moment so that is probably it. However, I always have a couple of floaters that I have had a few years now but for the past few weeks I see scintillations when looking at Tv, computer screens, anything plain. These are like lightening flashes but n o pain at all. Just a bit disconcerting.
Has Anyone Heard Of Ocular Migraines?
Suggestions For Dealing With/getting Past Vestibular Migraine. Treatments Anyone Has Used With Success And What To Avoid, If Anything?