If you take migraine medication do you sometimes feel like it wears off? I'm on several and they all seem to help for a time and then wear off.
Yes That Is Very True
Yes, my meds wear off, but then I take more drops to try to ease it up a bit. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t! So I know what you mean.
Yes, sometime I have to take more medication but I try to change them around. I do take Motrin with my other meds to increase the effectiveness. Works for me.
I have been through so many meds that I'm getting to believe there's nothing out there that actually works for me
After a long while I would think that's normal you become immune to it. You need to switch to something else.
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I Have Vestibular Migraines. The Only Symptom I Have Is Chronic Vertigo. It Is Debilitating. Any Advice On How To Live With It?
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