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Does Anyone Have Scull Pain?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭
Billerica, MA

I have spots on my head that are sore to the touch, one is right in the center of my forehead, there are also spots over my ears and in the back of my head. This is a new occurrence, I have just noticed it in the past month or so. The pain is there even when I don't have a headache.

August 22, 2017
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A MyMigraineTeam Member

Yes. My temples are always sore, even without a migraine, feeling especially bruised to touch. Also The back of my head, above where it meets with the spine on both sides; my cranio, cervical neck and shoulder area, always has several painful pressure point areas. Some head pain radiates into the areas behind/under my ears and into my sinus areas.

October 18, 2017
A MyMigraineTeam Member

Migraine is nerve related. The "cause" isn't clear but check where your vitamins are level wise: B vitamins and D vitamins have helped some. Magnesium also is a recommended Dr thing. Potassium levels also. My B12, Vit D, and Potassium dropped low and made migraines worse. (migraine diet issues.) Nerves are funky lil ships. They don't like behaving normally and answering our questions so we understand it. ;) I also throw cooling or ice on my trigeminal and occipital never meetings or on my neck (skull base) to ease pain if I can Stand the cold.

January 23, 2024
A MyMigraineTeam Member

I have the temporal pain and optic nerve pain as well. Someone showed me about 5yrs ago a pressure point for the optic nerve. I'll try to describe it without actually being able to show you. Right above your eye in the eye socket, there's a divit.Press right in the divit with your thumb. It releases some of the pressure even if it's only temporary. But any relief is better than none.

September 1, 2017
A MyMigraineTeam Member

With my occipital neuralgia, the whole scalp hurts. I can't brush my hair or put it in a high loose ball on the top of my head. I have swelling in the back of my head where my occipital nerve is on both sides, as well as all of the migraine pains.

With a migraine, I have forehead pain, temporal pain and pressure and my least pain of all my eyes start to bulge out. I have so much pressure on my optic nerves that my eyes literally start to bulge out. I only get nauseous with migraines. If the pain is too high, I will vomit and pass out within 30 seconds. Which gives me enough time to get into bed.

August 24, 2017
A MyMigraineTeam Member

Yes. I feel pressure discomfort as normal every day occurrence. If I apply finger tip pressure to most parts of my head, it feels sore and bruised. The back of my head and temples have been sore for as long as I remember.

August 23, 2017

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