If You Could Say The One Thing That Helps You The Most When Dealing With Your Migraines What Would It Be?
Of all the different things out there you try or your doctor recommends, what is the one thing that seems to help the most when it comes to reducing your pain? Minus the medications. IE diet, exercise, yoga etc.
What helps me the most is that I started thinking about it as a multi sensory processing disorder. If I let any of my senses get overwhelmed my other senses get more reactivate and my migraine gets worse.
So as soon as I start to feel overstimulated I need to calm my senses.
My home is neutral zone. Completely fragrance free/chemical free. I listen to music for at least 30 minutes every day. I have one room with black out blinds if I need it. I always have bland food on hand. I have noise cancelling headphones if I need them.
But when I am better I spend part of my day outside. I live in a small city so I prefer to go to a park or trail.
I am not cured by any stretch of the imagination. But before I was in a constant pain level of about 8. And I felt like I lived on Mars in a cologne factory. Now my baseline is about a 5 and I recover from exposure to my triggers much faster if I keep it brief. I still get bad weather migraine but you can't have everything.
I need cold on the head and neck and darkness, quiet and my bed. once the migraine arrives I don't have the ability to sit up or walk or read. I don't eat or drink as it doesn't stay down. Sometimes heat on the feet and ice on the head. I do find the TENS machine helpful on the neck and shoulders. I also put A535 on the neck, shoulders, cheeks and forehead for some relief
Eating a healthy diet is what helps me most. I find that food triggers are a big piece to the puzzle for me.
Darkness and quiet with a cool fan to regulate the temperature.
@A MyMigraineTeam Member If you find a way to keep stress away please let me know how. Lol. The more I try to avoid it the worse it seems to be. Everyone around me won't cooperate :)
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