May Is Mental Health Awareness Month. Any Advice For Someone Newly Diagnosed With Migraine?
I concur with the above statements to find a neurologist, who is specialized in headaches and migraine.
When you are evaluating medication‘s, some migraine medication‘s are preventative and some are rescue. You may have to try different medication options to find the best for you. Also, I found over the years that I had to change medication’s when some stopped being effective.
When you feel the small signs of a migraine starting, don’t try to push through it. Stop! take a preventive medication, drink, lots of water, and get to a quiet dark space.
And, from a mental health perspective, I tend to get migraines when I suppress my emotions. Remember to stand up for yourself and express what’s real for you.
I do not experience headaches. Ocular aura migraines. I work on anxiety reduction. I take BVitamins.
I pray a lot!!!
The most important thing to do is get a good neurologist who specializes in headache diseases. Keep trying medications until you find the ones that work. It will probably be a combination of medications. Mental health is very important as well, see a counselor. My counselor helped me navigate the mood swings, guilt, sadness and hopelessness. NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!
You need to treat you mental health separately. See someone, if they say you don’t need help, great. However, learning in depth what happens in my brain with my psychologist over the years and finding the right medications from the right psychiatrist were the biggest things I have ever done for myself. It took 18 yrs and a host of inexperienced or awful mental healthcare professionals to get there, but it’s the biggest improvement in the last 20 years. I didn’t see a huge improvement in my migraines, but I could manage my disease and find some happiness. Given how life’s events affect us (including very hard childhoods).
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