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5 Ways To Get Involved With Migraine Awareness

Written by Torrey Kim
Posted on June 1, 2022

If you’re living with migraine attacks, you’re already aware of the impact the condition can have on your life — but chances are strong that other people in your orbit don’t know as much as they could about the disease. That’s why it’s important to raise awareness for the condition — particularly in June, which is Migraine and Headache Awareness Month.

It can be hard when your friends and family don’t know what you’re going through. It can also be difficult to say no to loved ones who don’t understand your situation, because you might worry about how your relationships will be affected.

Raising awareness about migraine is important so that your friends, family, and acquaintances can better understand how to support you. Check out five ways you can get involved with migraine awareness.

1. Start by Raising Your Own Awareness

Before you boost public awareness by sharing information with others, it’s a good idea to understand the specifics about migraine. Learn more about migraine’s causes, signs and symptoms, and treatments.

Migraine is a common neurological disorder that affects about 1 in 6 people in the U.S. Causing symptoms such as throbbing head pain, visual disturbances, nausea, and vomiting, migraine is ranked the sixth most debilitating disease in the world. There are conventional treatments for migraine symptoms, but many people also consider making lifestyle changes to help ease their symptoms.

Some people think that severe headaches are the only symptom of migraine attacks. But in reality, headaches are just one symptom of migraine. Migraine itself is a complex condition, a collection of neurological symptoms. These symptoms, including migraine headaches, can make it difficult to perform everyday activities.

2. Share Awareness Resources

After you’re armed with information about migraine, you can share it with others. The fastest and least expensive way for this kind of advocacy is through social media. You can post information about migraine, share details about the condition, and join communities of other people who are also working to raise awareness about migraine.

You can follow the American Migraine Foundation on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

3. Use Relevant Social Media Hashtags

To ensure your messages on social media spread awareness to as many people as possible, consider using an appropriate migraine-related hashtag, like #migraine, #MigraineAwareness, and #MigraineAttack. This way, your posts will be seen by more people who have the same interests, and they’re more likely to share and comment.

Social media posts help raise awareness for the condition, and they also allow other people with migraine to realize they aren’t alone. Joining a migraine community on social media, such as MyMigraineTeam, can also help you connect with others.

4. Participate in Awareness Activities

Another way to raise awareness about migraine is to participate in an activity dedicated to the cause. You can walk or run for migraine, play bingo, host a silent auction or fundraiser, or even create a unique event that works for your interests. You can help other people understand more about migraine while having fun and working to raise funds for the cause.

5. Donate to Research

If you are able to, you can also donate to the American Migraine Foundation to support migraine research and advocacy.

Even if you aren’t able to donate, you can stay on top of the scientific research and legislative actions that come out of the donation efforts by following the American Migraine Foundation.

Connect With Others Who Understand

On MyMigraineTeam, more than 76,000 people living with migraine come together to ask questions, give advice, and share their stories with others who understand life with the condition.

Share your migraine journey in the comments below, or start a conversation by posting on your Activities page.

Torrey Kim is a freelance writer with MyHealthTeam. Learn more about her here.

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