Has Anyone Seen A Neuro Otologist For Vestibular Headache And Dizziness?
My neurologist seems clueless and I am desperate.
If I still lived in PA.I'd try to get an evaluation by a neurologist specializing in migrains affiliated with University of Penna or Penn State medical school. Travel may be daunting but worth it if you get answers. I currently drive well over two hours to see my neurologist but it's made a huge imporvement in my migraine management.
I have seen one as I have ringing in my ears. Wasn't any help at all. This was 10 years ago. Neurologist speculation
Ializing in migraines is the best
I'm trying to find that out. I know they deal with inter ear and dizziness, vestibular headaches, balance issues and do ear surgeries. And since my neurologist isn't helping me, I thought I would check into this.
No, I see a regular neurologist and a audiologist. What does the neuro-otologist do that's different? I'm on Meclazine.
A neuro-otologist could be a helpful specialist for vestibular migraines, as they focus on inner ear and balance disorders. However, a neurologist is typically the one to officially diagnose vestibular migraines. If your neurologist seems unsure, seeking a second opinion or consulting a neuro-otologist might provide Show Full Answer
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