Looking For Information About Occipital Nerve Block
We will proceed to this type of block next. Our goal is to reduce the level of the troublesome pain on the left side. I have been told that if the pain level cannot be reduced, my specialist will share guidance for how to further manage my care in a second pain-free maintenance plan. We'll discuss it in further detail when the time comes.
I was wondering if anyone has had an occipital nerve block? Thank you for sharing this information with me.
I personally haven't had a nerve block yet; but the clinic I work at has many people coming in for occipital and/or trigeminal neuralgia. There's a lot of people who've had long-term success with the nerve blocks. But if nerve blocks and medication isn't keeping it in check, the a provider might consider surgical options.
I'm not a provider; just a clinic staff sharing my observations on this subject.
Hope you find it somewhat helpful 💕
Appreciate the thoughts mentioned about this.
Has Anyone Tried Dry Needling, Nerve Block Injection, Acupuncture For Occipital Migraines?
Has Anyone Had A Nerve Block For Occipital Neuralgia Or Migraine?
Has Anyone Tried An Occipital Nerve Block?