What Foods Trigger Migraines? I Heard There Is Certain Foods To Stay Away From.
I went to a neurologist many years ago, who believed in foods can create major issues with your migraines, and I found that many of the foods that some people say bother them didn’t bother me whereas things that might bother me didn’t bother them. So there’s a lot of things that I personally have a hard time eating. I’ve seen it on a lot of the list so far, but I can’t eat any aged cheeses, mushrooms, onions, vinegar, and I have to limit my bread intake. Now I personally can drink caffeine and it doesn’t affect me at all. I was off of it for about eight years and I kept track of everything and whether I was on it or I wasn’t on it wasn’t a problem. Chocolate is also not a problem for me and I don’t know why but I don’t have any issues there. Onions are huge for me within 20 minutes of eating onions. I am so sick! So I try really really hard to work on that another thing that I have learned is that putting things in the refrigerator create their own enzymes, which is why they always taste better the next day so I don’t ever have leftovers in my refrigerator. I freeze things immediately. These are just some of the things that I am doing to prevent problems for myself. Unfortunately, the outside temperatures and barometric pressure are things that I can’t handle and I don’t have any control over, but they kill me!
Certain foods may trigger migraine symptoms. Here are some commonly examined ingredients and foods that might be potential triggers:
- Alcoholic beverages
- Aspartame
- Caffeine
- Cheese (especially aged or strongly flavored)
- Chocolate
- Citrus fruits
- Coffee
- High-fat foods
- Milk
- Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
- Nuts
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