Can Highly Concentrated Beverages Trigger Migraines?
I stopped putting sugar into my coffee after having a heart attack in 2020, literally went cold turkey and the small amount of sugar left went into the trash can. The only thing I use for morning coffee is a small amount of milk and it's all good. I don't drink anything else with sugar, the item has to be a diet Zero. Most of the time I will go directly toward water but there are moments when I will turn toward cold green tea.
Highly concentrated with WHAT? Sugar? Alcohol? Caffeine? Sugar substitute?Each chemical (and they are all chemicals) affect a person differently and can CAUSE, AGGRAVATE, OR AMELIORATE migraines.
Yes, highly concentrated beverages, particularly dark and heavy drinks, can trigger migraines. According to the knowledge base, alcohol is estimated to be a trigger for about 27 percent of people with migraines. It's best to avoid alcohol completely when trying to manage severe migraine symptoms.
This AI-generated response comes from MyMigraineTeam and other selected sources. It is not a substitute for medical advice. Always ask your doctor about specific health concerns.
It does bother me! I rarely drink sugary drinks or caffeine, but once in a while a Mexican coke screams "drink me!" I love the taste of the real sugar cokes! But I pay for it in my head and stomach.
Not exactly sure
I Had Open Heart Surgery 19 Years Ago To Close A Patent Foramen Ovale’. After My Surgery No More Migraines. This Week I Had 4/with Aura.
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