Fibromyalgia Information? New Diagnosis To Go With Migraine.
Any information is helpful: I have over 20 medications listed I can't take. Most of the recommended for the Fibro we tried with the Migraines and does not help or I'm allergic to it. Gabapentin will NOT work as I get suicidal with it and I fight that enough without adding to it. Zoloft sends me to the ER with swelling, rash, and breathing issues.
Suggestions? Information on what to expect from here on out other than fight the insurance people and stay funtional?
If there is any way you can afford it, try going to a functional/integrative doctor. I don't know where you live but Kaplan Integrative Center in McClean, VA might be a good place to start. Also the Ultra Wellness Center in Massachusetts run by Dr. Mark Hyman, a nationally renowned integrative doctor, might, help. Have you looked into any of the new CPRG migraine meds? I was prescribed Gabapentin but refused to take it due to the possible suicidal side effects. Integrative and functional doctors will run tests not usually done by conventional doctors. I struggle with back pain and migraines and am trying to get in with a pain management clinic. Neuromodulation is something that I am exploring. Pain is both mentally and physically exhausting and can suck everything out of you. Hope you can find the help you need. Check you diet and see if anything you are eating is contributing to your pain. Food senstivity tests can help you narrow that down. Most integrative centers have integrative nutritionists who can help in that area. Have you had auto immune tests done? The main thing is, don't give up because there will be an answer out there. One day, you will find a clinic that thinks outside the box.
Thank you. I've done Tramadol and Torodal in the past decade or so for the migraine issues so it helped with the Fibro pains also so that it was "disguised" I guess. Treatments appear to be about the same for both, and they each seem to create a cycle from one to the other, which is just yuck somedays.
P.S. I also have had Fibro for about 20 years.
Tina643 I'm sorry love. Sounds all too familiar. Any tricks you do to manage it all? Maybe there's something I haven't tried that you have.
Thank you and I you as well.
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