Have You Heard Of Anyone Who Does Not Have The Traditional Symptoms Of Migraine - No Severe Head Aches, Not Severe Nausea
Good luck!
Hi Everyone, I hope everyone is progressing nicely. I see a new neurologist next week, and I'm excited. I hope he'll have answers for me. I get vestibular migraines as well.
Yes, for me as well. Light only bothers me a little. Noise - not much, but I'm dizzy almost all of the time as well as an agonizing head ache
Yes, Alyce, I hear ya! I'm afraid to drive. I don't have a traditional migraine; light does not bother me, nor loud noises. Headache always there, never leaves. Auras too,
My Vestibular doc recommended MigreLief. He said that it might take a while to work. My biggest symptom is vertigo. I'd sure like to alliminate that. I cannot drive when I'm so dizzy and riding down a road when the sun flashes through the trees, it causes my dizziness to really kick in
Barometric Pressure....how Does It Affect You And Is There Anything You Can Do To Avoid Them?
Why Do So Many People Out There Think Migraines Are Fake?
Can Someone Recommend What I Can Take For My Migraines. Advil, Tylenol, Etc Isn't Working For Me