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Having Lots Of Anxiety With Migraine...What Meds Are You Using For Anxiety?, I Can't Stay On Alprolazam! Thank You!

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭
Newtown Square, PA
January 21, 2023
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A MyMigraineTeam Member

I stopped taking most medications for anxiety, but I still take Tizandidine at bedtime for sleep and gabapentin for peripheral neuropathy. ( I have many other painful conditions too.) Other than those I rely on CBD oil , T-Relief and promethazine for most of my management, only using 1/2 oxycodone for the absolute worst migraines. Mainly I practice mindful meditation, visualization and deep breathing exercises to survive most migraines. I started years ago and had tiny succeses, but when I learned tricks from a cognitive behavioral therapist that thoughts would always invade, I got better at it. Just acknowledge them and send them on their way without judgment. In 2018 I learned about, a free 8 week online course developed by the University of Melbourne to teach how to live with chronic pain...any pain. I knew most of what they taught, but they used really good approaches and I adapted my ways to their's. I also had started using a technique that I call Mindful Appreciation to find joy in everyday activities and items. A journalist at named Holly Harding wrote that she "embraced her migraine like a friend". I thought she was crazy, but started thinking deeply about her comment. I realized studying Job that God only wants us to be thankful in all things, but how can one be thankful for daily pain? Then I watched my dog get excited when my hubby returned home and decided to join in. Next day drinking hot cinnamon tea, I really took a long time to appreciate the aroma and it hit me. Appreciation of everyday things was the path to joy. Next I studied tree bark patterns, wildflowers, clouds. My depression lifted and I realized what my mom always said was true. She called it Gratitude Attitude. I call it looking for Joy Shots. They're everywhere and anything. It's the conscious observation that leads to true appreciation that then brings joy. It sounds simplistic and it is, but it works. My life has changed. I'm happy in spite of pain. My home is happier. I still live with daily pain and end up in a dark room, but I'm calm through it because I know the worse parts eventually passes. The best part is you can use these techniques taught by anyplace anytime. Check them out!

January 22, 2023
A MyMigraineTeam Member

I am weaning myself off xanax now. I havs been on it for 4 years and am addicted. I dont know how much is in my head because i just took zofran instead of xanax by mistake. About 2 hours ago and feel like i am about to crash. Ugh. The joys of having a pharmacy on your bedside table. Need to be more mindful next time. I hope the medical marijuana works for you. I live in colorado and tried it but it made me super hungry!

March 10, 2023
A MyMigraineTeam Member

I Am Going To Try Medical Marijuana I Have Already Taken All Types Of Pills! Peace And Love To All Of You!!!

January 24, 2023
A MyMigraineTeam Member

I take vraylar and Zoloft

January 24, 2023
A MyMigraineTeam Member

Not yet Hard To Find Thank You

January 23, 2023

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