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Does Anyone Else Have A Problem With Passing Out When Their Migraine Is So Severe That You Feel Like Your Head Gonna Split Into?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭
Wilsonville, AL
November 15, 2022
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A MyMigraineTeam Member

@A MyMigraineTeam Member, So have you asked your pharmacist to assist you in researching if any combination of meds you're taking might be causing your fainting? However after hearing about your heart, couldn't that be the reason for fainting?! I certainly understand your fear about being alone because I spent about five years in that same situation. I actually was considering one of those alerts that notify people when your body falls, but I figured my cause out about that same time. However, if you don't get to the bottom of your situation, maybe you should get one. Good luck in figuring it all out.

December 23, 2022
A MyMigraineTeam Member

I have high blood pressure and Mitral valve Prolapse. Most of the medications that I take also cause migraines, makes you wonder if the doctors and pharmacists just don't want to find cures for us.

December 29, 2023
A MyMigraineTeam Member

Mine is daily persistent headache. Have it all the time with dizziness that makes we feel like I am passing out. Can't drive. Have non-classic migraine with aura. Yea, it's all debilitating and take our lives away.

December 14, 2022
A MyMigraineTeam Member

@A MyMigraineTeam Member, I used to pass out with my migraines too, but I finally figured out it was the medication causing heart complications. I was on Eletriptan, fiorcet and promethazine. Unfortunately I have Hyperosmia and overreact to fragrances. As the clothes detergents got stronger and stronger, my migraines became daily because I can smell fragrances from 30 ft away. There was no safe place when I was working, so I'd have to take medication. But as soon as the meds knocked it out, another heavily scented human would set off another migraine. I had to go on SSDI and now live in isolation. When I lost my job, I lost my insurance and lost the ability to buy medication. For 3 months I went without any pills. That's when I first realized the Eletriptan was causing me to faint. Why the doctors and cardiologist didn't put it together, I don't know, but take a look at all of your medication and see if any of it has heart complications or fainting as a side effect. Of course, there are also certain types of migraine that also cause fainting. I don't remember the name, but go to the American Migraine Association website for details on all migraines. Good luck! Oh, and try to forgive Robert Blake. He's just trying to help. He is convinced that his migraines were solved by facing something in his past. Who knows? He might be right. Lord knows my past is FULL of crap. 😉 But my migraines were helped by correcting visual problems caused by a brain injury due to a fall onto the back of my head. Too bad they can't fix the Hyperosmia that was brought on by the same fall. Again, best of luck to you.

November 27, 2022
A MyMigraineTeam Member

Usually when my stress level is high, or I've running full speed on projects. I've found that medication, meds, and taking a break from bright lights, blue screens, and others help me to minimize my fainting. I also did research and has tilt tests, and other CT scans to find out that when migraines hit, some people have a artery in the neck that flows slow normally, but if tension, stress, or other jarring of the neck and shoulders can cause it to stop flowing normal and cause fainting, falls, and disassociate which is set off by migraines. It happens to 1 out of 20 migraine patients with chronic migraines. To help some seek chiropractor, massage therapist, or whole health healing methods to help relieve and cause less passing out to migraines.

November 22, 2022

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