Don't Know What To Try, I've Tied Almost Everything On The Market That There Is, Any Suggestions.
Hi Elizabeth,
All the information about my medications and treatments is on my profile. The only thing that isn't on there is the side effects. I plan on going back and editing it as best as I possibly can. My memory is horrible so I'll try to remember what I can in regards to that. Ive seen several neurologists over the years and they've all tried to help as best as they possibly could. I also went to India for 5 months and tried all kinds of medications and treatments. (Ketamine and Botox being 2 of the many that were tried) it was quite the experience to say the least. The Ketamine did actually help a bit for awhile, took the edge off and definitely helped with the pain levels. I look forward to all the information I can gain from everyone here about everything migraine related. And perhaps I can even help a person or two myself.
I have constant migraine and my neurologist put me on Vyepti infusions every 3 months and I can read again and joined this group but still a lot of pain. But at least I got something.
I don't know what all you have tried, medication or other types of treatments, so it is difficult to answer. Almost all migraines react differently to different treatments.
Mostly I would suggest that you have a neurologist that gets you and listens to you and trusts you and believes you and that you trust.
Keep trying and don't give up. My neurologists has said that they will not ever give up on me which helps me to keep trying.
Thanks, my memory has suffered because of my migraine also. We will all try to help 🙏
I've Suffered From Migraine For 28 Years. They're Chronic Daily Now.
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