Excedrin Migraine
I am allergic to so many meds and have suffered with migraines for 20 years,Excedrin migraine has helped but the last 5 times I have used it my stomach feels like it is being ripped apart, The pain is just as bad as the migraine but s you know trying to go without a migraine med is impossible and going to the hospital is not practical at this time,,, Any suggestions to help with the stomach pain caused by the excedrin? Stay safe and I hope everyone has a migraine free day!!!
I agree. I don’t know how much you take daily, but have you tried breaking up the dose throughout the day? Like if you take 800mg, just take 200mg 2-3 times several hours apart.
Have you tried Motrin?
I take excedrin also . I drink Sprite and have A few Ritz crackers to help with tummy issues
Excedrine has a LOT of caffeine in it. Maybe a light snack about 30 minutes before you take excedrine will help. Hopefully you don’t take more than 2 at time. My neurologist told me that one dose of excedrine has the same amount of caffeine as 4 shots of espresso.
Is that true?
If that happened to me I would definitely take something else! If it was me I would ask my Neurologist if there is something else I could take. I am not a doctor but it also sounds like taking to much over time could be a culprit? I hope you feel better soon!😊
I have daily headaches and chronic migraine. I seldom take meds for it. By choice because I can take oxycodone or fiorcet or tramadol and occasionally Eletriptan, but I prefer not to take meds because I hate how I feel during and after. I prefer to fight mine first with heat and ice on my forehead or neck. Switching back and forth and replacing packs as soon as they lose the intensity. Next I try the elbow trick. Two bowls of water, one as hot as possible and one with ice. Stick your elbows in for 10 minutes. If it doesn't help, switch bowls. Next I try just total quiet with peppermint oil on my forehead, or hot shower or tub. I drink lots of water to stay hydrated. I also take CBD oil and T-Relief if nothing improved in an hour or two, and if I have nausea I take promethazine which does have a little bit of pain relief tied to it. Then I repeat, repeat, repeat, mixing it up heat/ice all day. If by dinner nothing has helped, I will give in and take a pill usually starting with a muscle relaxer, then moving on to half an oxycodone. But normally I can bring it under control without the pills. The CBD oil and T-relief combination really helps but I use a high concentration CBD oil and liquid T-Relief. Good luck!
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