I recently had my 4th Craniotomy due to a TBI and skull fractures from an accident six years ago. I was given Amovig in October, but I had to wait until my craniotomy was done and to see how I was improving with my dizziness. I also have a condition called semicircular Canal dehiscence and had to have that repaired. So now I’m able to start the Amovig. But I’m kind of nervous because one of the side effects I have seen listed is dizziness. Has anyone had dizziness with this prescription? And… read more
Thank you!
It seems like you might be referring to "Aimovig." Here is some detailed information about Aimovig based on the knowledge base:
Aimovig (Erenumab-aooe) for Migraine
- Approval: Aimovig is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to prevent migraines in adults.
- Type: Aimovig is a biologic drug, Show Full Answer
It takes 6 mos to fully get in your system and truly work, I'm at month 3 but haven't had help yet. But I haven't had any dizziness or side effects and it doesn't hurt at all. A bee sting hurts more than doing these injections. I'm on 140mg, so I do 1 shot in each leg once a month. Good luck!
Thank you everyone! I go back to my surgeon in 2 weeks, I’m going to see what his thoughts are.
Has Anyone Tried Amovig Or Botox? What Do You Recommend I Try First?
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