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What Are The Difficulties Of Raising A Family With Migraine And Depression Disorders?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭
Willow Grove, PA
April 30, 2018
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A MyMigraineTeam Member

Kid noise is real hard to handle but if they are your kids they might appreciate being brought in to your personal being.

May 3, 2018
A MyMigraineTeam Member

I have a few mental health disorders, 19 years of chronic intractable migraines and 4yr old and 5 yr old boys. They are actually really well behaved I’m told anywhere because I struggle with migraines daily they are the absolute best!

February 1, 2021
A MyMigraineTeam Member

I have Bipolar I w/Psychosis, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, PTSD.🙃But yet, I wanted children! Have 3 children, 1 of whom is deceased. My eldest daughter does not have mental illness. Her twin was stillborn. My youngest daughter suffers from depression & is on anti-depressants. The DID is from when I was molested by the neighborhood Pedophile when I was about 6-7. The PTSD is from that time, but other times too. Migraines run in my family. My Dad got them. My sister & brother get them. My eldest daughter gets them. Nieces & nephews get them too. So between genetics & mental illness -- there you go. Also get nasal congestion w/my Migraines. Have had them since my teens. Have been Bipolar since junior high -- perhaps even b4 then.😗

April 22, 2022
A MyMigraineTeam Member

I had Bipolar disorder when my son was born. It was tough for both of us. I was however fortunate, that my chronic migraines didn't start until the first of August in 2020, because my son is now 22. But he still lives at home and gets. Upset now when I ask him to turn things down. This is new to both of us, and he thinks when I'm making an effort to be .laughing or joking, the headaches are gone for good, which 99 percent of the time is not the case.

January 9, 2021
A MyMigraineTeam Member

I feel real bad when I had gotten my migraines with my children. I was a single mother and when I had to go into my dark room always had to pray that my 2 kids would be ok. They learned that when mommy had to lay down that they pulled out their books and played "school" until I could get back up. It was nice but also scary.

October 20, 2020

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