Migraine And Work. What Is Your Boss Attitude Towards Your Migraines And Days Off Sick?
It's funny when employers want you to work through the super severe ones and just "tough it out." And then when the pain drives you to madness, they get all uncomfortable and upset when you're crazed self starts ripping your scalp off in an attempt to get the pain out.
Like, make up your minds, wimps. Either understand that a person has to be out because of a migraine and don't hold it against them, or get over the rather messy effects of them being in agony!
I was asked to leave one job because of the daily migraines. My boss said there’s no way I’m having a headache every day and told me to get my act together. Another boss said thank you for being honest about having migraines, but we need someone here every day and if you cannot be here then don’t come back.
I finally have a manager that suffers with migraines! Although that's not a good thing for her, it's been great for me because she does understand the pain, nausea, and dizziness. Before managers were not understanding. The older I get the better I can push through the pain.
Hang in there everyone!
You Know I Can Not Hold Down A Normal Job So I Pick Garbage Clean Houses Answer Surveys Because I Had Been Fired Or Asked To Leave Because Of My Migraines
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