Anyone Hear Of Nerve Stimulator Torrent Migraine?
I have seen information about using nerve stimulater to treat resistant migraines. Has anyone else heard of this?
There are several nerve-stimulating devices approved for migraine treatment:
- Cefaly: Works by exciting the supraorbital nerves, including the trigeminal nerve. It can be used daily for 20 minutes… read more
Anyone Tried Any Of These Migraine Devices: Cefaly, Nerivio Or GammaCore?
My neurologist says to investigate these devices because I don’t want to try Depikote…
Cafaly and Nerivio didn't work for me. I don't know what Gamma Core is.
Dose Anyone Else Use A GammaCore? How Are You Getting On With It? Useful Or Not?
I've not used that device but used the cefaly device.