Can Weather Changes Be A Trigger For Migraines? What About Sinus Issues? Thank You!
Yes, weather has a significant impact on migraines for me as well. My migraines are often tied into and compounded by my Fibromyagia triggers. Light from bright sunny days will also trigger migraines for me.
Yes, dramatic weather and temperature shifts.
Yes weather effects mine
Yes, weather changes can be a trigger for migraines. Common weather-related triggers include:
- Bright sunlight and sun glare
- Extreme heat or cold
- High humidity
- Extremely dry conditions
- Stormy weather
- High winds
Regarding sinus issues, the provided context does not mention them as a trigger for migraines. If you Show Full Answer
Yes, weather affects me. Especially after having vertigo in my sleep. Had a migraine from it. I decided to go for a short walk this morning to enjoy the cooler weather in Texas. Hah! That was a mistake. I had just taken Aimovig 4 days ago. Disappointing.
How Much Does The Weather Play A Role With Your Migraine
Can Excessive Cold Temperatures Suddenly Cause A Migraine When Previously Wasn't An Issue
I Had Open Heart Surgery 19 Years Ago To Close A Patent Foramen Ovale’. After My Surgery No More Migraines. This Week I Had 4/with Aura.