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What To Do On Bad Days

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭

I have somewhat determined what is causing these migraines to be so bad just not sure what to do in the mean time. I am due for Botox and Ajovy to take place within days of one another. On top of that there is the weather factor of the barometer changes, heat, and humidity. I am doing my very best to manage through just not sure what else I can do. If anyone has suggestions please do share, thank you.

posted June 22
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A MyMigraineTeam Member

On bad days with migraines, consider the following tips to help manage your symptoms and improve your well-being:

1. Rest and Relaxation:
- Try to get adequate rest and find time to relax and unwind.
- Engage in activities like long hot baths, massages, or listening to soothing music.

2. Adjust Your Attitude:
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On bad days with migraines, consider the following tips to help manage your symptoms and improve your well-being:

1. Rest and Relaxation:
- Try to get adequate rest and find time to relax and unwind.
- Engage in activities like long hot baths, massages, or listening to soothing music.

2. Adjust Your Attitude:
- Focus on the positive and lift yourself up instead of dwelling on what you can’t do.
- Reflect on how far you’ve come and what you’ve already accomplished despite living with migraines.

3. Stress Management:
- Lower your daily stress levels by managing your schedule and taking breaks when needed.
- Consider biofeedback training, cognitive behavioral therapy, and mindfulness as tools for stress management.

4. Gratitude Practice:
- Keep a gratitude journal and write about things that went well for you each day.
- Engage in spiritual acts like counting blessings or giving thanks.

5. Support System:
- Connect with others who understand what you’re going through, such as members of MyMigraineTeam.
- Share your experiences and seek advice from those who have similar challenges.

By incorporating these strategies, you can better navigate the difficult days and find moments of relief and positivity.

 This AI-generated response comes from MyMigraineTeam and other selected sources. It is not a substitute for medical advice. Always ask your doctor about specific health concerns.

Practicing Gratitude With Migraine | MyMigraineTeam
How to Enjoy the Holidays Despite Migraine | MyMigraineTeam
posted June 22
A MyMigraineTeam Member

Exactly, curseded barometric pressure, extreme heat, sleeplessness. I keep Gatorade, water, chamomile tea, lavender, cold room, cotton bedding, ice pks, then my meds cocktails: lots of ZOFRAN 8mg
PM :
Cymbalta 60mg Requip 4mg Ambien 10mg,
Trazadone 150mg.
Magnesium 500iu
Cymbalta 60mg
Requip 4mg
Vitamin B12
Vyvanse 60mg
Every now again someone will come in to see if I want anything to eat yet.

posted July 6
A MyMigraineTeam Member

I haven't been able to sleep for a week because both Botox injections and Ajovy monthly injection have literally worn out of the system. I am scheduled to take next dosage of both and this constant migraine is making me aware on the matter.

I have been able to make the attempt at getting through this long stretch of migraines by staying hydrated with bottled water, remaining in a dark room, and sipping black coffee as I have been following a special guideline by pain specialist when things get to this extreme. As of right now, my entire head is feeling like it is in a vice grip but the good thing about it is the coffee my husband brought me this morning has been enough to numb things down from level 10 to level eight.

posted June 23

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