Topiramate Medication, Whose On It Or Been On It?
Omg. My neurologist prescribed 25mg twice a day at first. 3months later he bumped me up to 25mg 4times a day. At first I thought I was just having an off day but come to find out there's a lawsuit against the makers of Topamax. Wondering why would my neurologist want to put me on that? Long story short I immediately stopped taking it. I would stutter. Forget why I walked into the living room. It was kinda scary. Might be different for each person I just had a horrible experience
Topiramate did help my headaches, but made me very depressed. Eventually I got kidney stones. Two things to be on the lookout for.
I am taking a very low dosage of the topiramate at this time
I've been on it several different times. Lots of side effects. Would help for a bit then would need a higher dose. Higher doses caused all kinds of problems. Just listen to your body and don't be afraid to wean off
It helps reduce migraines but I could not live with being so dumbed down that I had trouble rembering my name
What Has Been Your Experience With Topiramite 50mg?
Looking For Some Good Prescription Meds I Can Ask My Doc To Give Me For The Migraine.
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