What Are The Treatments For New Daily Persistent Headaches. The Description Of Them Is Far More Like What Happened To Me. How Is It Treated
I started having migraines about 10 years ago but when I left my husband they suddenly stopped and only came back about 9 months later when I was going through another stressful situation and since then they are constant. Every single day all day long especially when I lay down. I haven't been able to go to bed without ice packs on the front, back and top of my head and I have to change them periodically throughout the night as they thaw and the pain will wake me up. I have a genetic condition… read more
I was told that stress and tension can easily bring on a migraine/tension headache. Like you I also tried every preventive medication that they had to offer - often bottoming out my blood pressure. I was in the ER more than once with co-workers thinking I was having a stroke, when it was a migraine. Have new doctors due to a move and cannot find anyone that really understands. Currently trying Qulipta - not getting too many results. If you need a diagnosis, go to a large teaching hospital like Mayo or another one near you. You may need to travel, but may also get answers.
Ask your doctor for the Stadol nasal spray, the generic name is Butorphanol Tartrate. The brand name Stadol is no longer manufactured and can only be found in generic form.
Does Anyone Have "New Daily Persistent Headache"? Am I The Only One?
Any Treatments For New Daily Persistent Headaches?
Can Someone Recommend What I Can Take For My Migraines. Advil, Tylenol, Etc Isn't Working For Me