Is There A Doctor That Specializes In Migraines Caused By Brain Damage? I Had Blood Clots And Non Cancerous Tumor.
My migraines are caused by having 10 blood clots on the top of my brain, then later a mengionoma (sp) tumor the size of a golf ball removed. I have migraines daily now, and nothing is helping.
Might I suggest that you find an neurologist who specializes in migraines. I found one near me who treats for my epilepsy as well as the migraines and has made a big difference.
I Have Vestibular Migraines. The Only Symptom I Have Is Chronic Vertigo. It Is Debilitating. Any Advice On How To Live With It?
I'm Curious As To What Are Most Here Who Suffer Are Being Told Is The Actual "Cause" Of Your Migraines?
Timing To Take Steroid?