Has Anyone Heard Of The Reed Procedure Done For Miagrines?It Is Done In Dallas Texas.
It is a peripheral nerve stimulation treatment
Yeah this Wednesday is so exciting!!!!!....
As to answer your question i don't remember remember if he did tell me. I have had mine since November 31st of last year and it is still going good.
TaylorAndeerle as for the trial procedure the only pain I experienced was the incision in the back of my neck.
The permanent procedure pain was more just adjusting to not feeling the miagrine head pain however I noticed the nausea, vomiting, dizziness and other symptoms more.
I hope that answered you question if not hit me up again 🙂
Did you end up having the procedure? I'm having my trial on Monday the 9th!
I suffer w migraines every day no less than an 8. I have been on every medication you can name. I'm currently on SSD because I can't work. I had that procedure done. They do it temporarily to see if it works before implanting it. That didn't work for me. I'm now on oxycodobe 15mg 3x daily to abort and qulipta and klonopin and Topamax and vyepti infusion and botox to prevent.
Any Folks Have Just Visual Aura Migraines With No Headache ?
Have Any Of You Heard Of The Reed Procedure? Dr. Reed Was On The Show The Doctors About An Implant They Do. Go To US Migraine And Read It.
Looking For Some Good Prescription Meds I Can Ask My Doc To Give Me For The Migraine.