Has Anyone Taken Goodys Extra Strength Headache Powders And It Work?
I’ve tried all kinds of prescriptions and nothing really helps.
It has been about 15-20 years since I had a specific migraine med. So long that my brain has erased the events. I can recall though that after any med given for alledged depression and/or anxiety gave me an ethereal feeling; in other words I couldn't function normally. Injections at the base of my neck (for what I do not know!) put me under for days! When Immetrix (ergotamine) came out I had the "side effects" that were listed with the med. Had severe reaction. This "root" has numerous side effects. Valium was the most effective since, for me, it quieted the ADD brain. I haven't taken any for about a year. Sad, when I think about it that is actually the only med that took away the headache. Time for oneself is key, along with routine. We are all different, and yet the same. Doctors, if you are listening, pay attention to your patient and avoid "cubby holing" them. 💜
Can I ask what those negative side effects are? I’m asking because I’ve tried many “migraine” meds before, and they don’t really help, but also they make me feel weird and I don’t know how to describe it.
Have vascular migraines/ auras / intermittent ringing of ears. Plain aspirin works besr. For me, Ibuprofen is a no-no as well as Tylenol. I have negative reactions to migraine meds that are ergotamine based. Thus I stick with plain aspirin with a side of caffeine. Careful to not overdo either to avoid the cyclic nature of headaches/migraines and a side effect of ear ringing!
Nothing over the counter works for me. I've tried so many meds that it has almost given me ulcers. right now the only thing close to working it botox, frovatriptan, and tosamyran.
Can Someone Recommend What I Can Take For My Migraines. Advil, Tylenol, Etc Isn't Working For Me
If You've Been Diagnosed With Medication Overuse Headaches Caused By Triptans, What Was The Treatment Plan And Was It Effective?
Is It Safe To Take Sumatriptans & Excedrin Migraine At The Same Time?