Does Anyone Use All Natural Remedies To Help With Migraines? If So What Works For You?
I'd like to try some natural remedies to help with migraine? I am not allowed to take tylenol anymore due to liver damage. What do you find helpful?
I don't know if this will work for you because it depends on your paon level and what you are willing to tolerate. I use the elbow trick often. Take two bowls, fill one with ice and water, the other with as hot of tap water as you can stand. Stick in your elbows for 10 minutes. If nothing changes, switch bowls. Repeat as necessary. I also take liquid T-Relief and CBD oil together. You can order T-Relief from Walmart online pet supply. Don't ask me why the liquid is only available through pet supply. I used to buy it at Whole Foods. I also practice mindful meditation every night. This helps train you to stay calm during a migraine attack. It takes years of practice, but a recent research study PROVED it reduces the frequency and Intensity of migraine attacks.
Ice packs and hot showers!
Yeah, worrying about driving is a bit stressful since my auras can wipe out my vision completely in 4 seconds. I mean completely blinded eith whiteish yellow glass shards. So I only drive to the doctor. My hubby does the rest of the driving for me. I also love CBD cream too on my neck and shoulders. But most of my battles are won by using the ice/heat on forehead and neck, or the elbow trick, or T-Relief. Plus hiding in a dark house. Mind you, I never lose my head pain completely....never! But I can beat it back to where I can function again. I've just learned, like soooo many of us, how to live in pain every day. In my mind, it's better than being dependent on pills.
I like cbd salve, heat packs on neck or ice packs, epsom salt bath Or dr teals epsom salt bubble baths while listening to meditation and sipping on chamomile tea in a thermos. Magnesium spray on my belly and neck. Migraine patches. Theraspecs and trudark glasses help with junk light: and migrainex earplugs help relieve preassure in my ear. They dont feel great if kept in too long. But i keep one pair in my freezer and one in my migraine bag. I am trying to get off my meds too bc its my liver and kidney is showing signs of wear. I did find when i practiced the colorado cleanse which is aryuvedic eating ( meditation, yoga, mindful eating and barely any process foods) i rarely had migraines. I will say, i did not take any of the supplements bc they did give me a migraine so stopped them on day 2 but felt better once i got rid of all the junk in my body. Think its time for a redo because i am an emotional eater and got off track in march! 😩
@carolynbethtuvk, Thanks for asking this question because I'm sure we all would love to learn more natural ways to battle migraine. Another thing I am taking is magnesium L-threonate. It's supposed to cross over the brain barrier for more relief. I've done so many things to change my lifestyle the last 2 years in am attempt to heat migraine that I can't tell you what works the best. But I changed my diet to keto; I start exercising more; I started meditating more frequently, and started on beta blockers and magnesium L-threonate. My migraines went from 22-25 per month down to 12-18. Mind you during that time, I prepared a house to sell, moved and remodeled a kitchen while I lived here so stressed out to the max and still had less migraines! So something's working. I just don't know what. 😉
What Natural Remedies Work For Your Migraines?
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Can Someone Recommend What I Can Take For My Migraines. Advil, Tylenol, Etc Isn't Working For Me