Do Any Of You Spend The Day After A Bad Migraine Sleeping And Feel Totally Exhausted?
I feel drained even after a headache that isnt bad. I think it's just having a headache that drains us, regardless of the severity.
I do. The worse the pain, the more I need to recover the next day.
Always. I feel like I have had the flu and I have brain fog
Thanks for the hug!
I am so terribly sorry that you are suffering from two horrendous diseases. I was a chronic migraneur for over 40 yrs. so I have firsthand knowledge of all that that disease entails. My mom had COPD, so I have firsthand knowledge of that disease as well. I truly wish that there were words to put in this post to lighten your medical burden. The best one I can think of is GOD Bless You.
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