Migraines Vs Menopause
Does anyone have migraines and think they were brought on by menopause? Or peri-menopause? I just turned 48, been having migraines for almost a year now, seems to becoming more frequently! Menstrual cycles are messed up also. Taking meds to regulate them, waiting for Mirana IUD Birth Control that should eliminate cycles, hopefully. Hoping it'll eliminate Migraines also. The worst migraines are 1-2 days before cycle starts, I've noticed, the last few months
I've ordered the menopause OTC aid,… read more
I have had migraines since I had children but just managed with OTC meds. They became much worse at perimenopause. I was hospitalized in February. I now have a new doctor and a combination of prescriotion meds and injections. I just started Ajovy injections also hoping that does the trick! My neurologist and pain specialist for injections are very proactive in helping me find the right treatment combo. Its been 5 months and we have made tons of progress. If you arent seeing results find a new headache/migraine specialist!
My first one just drugged me up until I was a zombie.
ABSOLUTELY! My doctor told me that with menopause mine would get better. WRONG!!! They got 10x worse. The 3 days of vomiting like when I first started puberty came back only this time, instead of being only 3 days a month it was 3-5 days a week, every week. I couldn’t hold down a job. This has lasted for years. I was never able to take birth control pills because they always gave me severe migraines. Next thing I know they had to put me on hormones to try to help me. At least most of the vomiting episodes stopped. The relentless headaches didn’t until I changed my diet and started eating “clean”. Gluten free, Paleo, no sugar, no chemicals, no high fructose corn syrup. It made a considerable difference. In a year I was down 90 pounds, was able to go back to work, still had headaches, but most I could work through. But I went to work for a horrible place and the stress caught up to me. The migraines came back, mainly due to me bingeing Dr Pepper, but also the horrible stress. My Dr put me on the Aimovig shot. I’m happy to report that 3 months in, no more migraines! None!!! It’s a miracle drug as far as I’m concerned. You can get it for a year for free while they work out issues with your insurance. I just hope they can in 9 months. I don’t want to be without it.
i take that to but i cant do my next shot until the 19th and i been having this migraine for about 4 days now it it in my whole head and down to my neck and all down my back i dont know what else to do
I always thought my migraines would get better after menopause but mine got much worse. Thank God for Aimovig.
I was having a lot of hot flashes the other day before my migraine started. I'm 60 and still have them. Think positive about feeling better. Eat something please.
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