Going On Holiday Soon And Struggling With The Sun Need Advice On How To Cope
I’m off to sunny Spain soon love it I’m only a year in to having regular migraines learning the triggers etc . Since the sun has come out I have struggled to last a day outside with out being in agony by the end of it for days. Does anyone have any advice to help me survive my holiday and not bring the rest of my family down.
Everything mentioned above plus polarized sunglasses. They will take care of he glare of the sun that can be a trigger.
Notice my hat in this picture, I don't leave home without some kind of hat, sunglasses, and if it's over 80 degrees I have a cooling towel that I carry as well. Water is a given and make sure you eat regularly. If you tolerate alcohol, don't over do it. Don't over exert yourself and if you get tired rest. Don't stay up much beyond your normal bed time. Wear sunscreen! Most of all relax, pay attention to your triggers and have fun.
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