Has Anyone Considered Botox To Help With Your Migraine?
I have heard that getting botox around your jaw area has helped to relieve migraines. Has anyone tried this?
I just got my 3rd set of injections today - and this is the first time they gave me injections at my jawline. I hope to be able to tell you how successful it has been soon enough.
My daughter started 1 month before her 19th birthday this June it will be 5 yrs since she started Botox. She always gets asked if it works. She will tell them between her 2 daily meds. & Botox it has helped. Her senior yr. in high school she withdrew coz' she missed 82 days of school within 3-4 months 7ER trips & a 10 days in the hospital they could only bring it down to a 4. After that the Botox started. 3 yrs. of college she never missed a day until this year clinicals & classes in the hospital she has had 18 1/2 days of migraines plus 7 days w/ the flu. total 25 days. Total 4ER trips plus 2 X to the Dr. They increased her one pill plus gave her new script to try when a migraine is coming on. She with drew with an incomplete she will go back to clinicals Jan. 2019 hope by then they will be under control. She only had 5 more months till graduation, which is now on hold.
I have been getting nerve blocks for about 3 years and those work wonders for me.About 2 years ago we tried Botox and did 6 rounds and I was disappointed that the only thing that helped was the lines around my eyes. I still do 4 different types of blocks every 9-10 weeks though, I couldn't live without those. If your insurance will cover Botox though, you should try it. I've heard of more success stories than failures like mine. I would still do it over again just to try and see if I could get it to work again. Good Luck!
Question About Botox
Has Anyone Tried Botox And If So How Did It Work For You.
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