Do you find yourself yawning before or during a migraine? I noticed I seemed to be yawning a lot last night during my migraine and wondered if this was a coincedence or something to do with the migraine?
Yawning is just one more of the many symptoms associated with migraine, from what I have read it's a good indicator that a migraine attack is on it's way.
Yes I yawn a lot pre- migraine
Every piece of information I have read which is everything I could get my hands on. Says that when you start yawning alot it means a migraine is coming, back in real cowboy days women who were plauged with headaches the doctors would tell them to take the laudnum, or the tisane, and in our time pain meds as soon as you start yawning alot and would give the pain meds a chance to kick in before the migraine set in full force.
I yawn a day or two before my headaches.
I had never paid much attention in the past, ut have noticed that I either yawn a lot before and during the migraine.
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