How Do You Cope With Being In Pain 24/7?
I need help to deal with my condition.I don't mean with medicines,I mean how to deal with it emotionally and how to cope with it everyday.Do you see therapists,councillors,have treatments,go to group meetings?I need to find a way of managing my feelings of anger,depression,loneliness etc in a healthy way.I can't go on like this where I'll end up bringing everyone down with me.
@A MyMigraineTeam Member, Looks like most of these posts are old, but I still enjoy reading other's opinions. I liked what you said especially. I went to behavioral cognitive therapy five years ago and learned more about mindful meditation and what you said reminds me of what my behavioral therapist said. I have chronic migraine so I spend 15-26 days in migraine, or it's various stages. I average 8 attacks per month, with only a day or two in between free from head pain. So my attitude is everything! I decided to learn to live within the pain. To stop hating it, because it's a part of and has been since I was 10. Nor do I stress over it anymore because that's a waste of energy, and it only makes it worse. Instead I try to focus on things that bring me joy. Like right now. I've had this migraine for three days. I tried my tricks and nothing is helping. So I gave myself permission to climb back in bed with my dog and drink another cup of coffee. If I can handle the pain, I will. Maybe today will be a pain pill day. Maybe not. But either way, it's still a day worthy of praise. I'm alive. I have a home. I have love. I have a sweet dog. It's the little things that we must appreciate the most. Don't you agree? Have a blessed day!
I stopped eating anything with red dye #40 and other dyes. My migraines went away after 45 years of migraine pain!!!!! Please try this and see if it works for you. Let me know if it helps.
It has been really tuff. Lately, my mouth has no filters. When my migraines hit and I am around people. I try to leave. Seriously, people don't really understand the pain. Empathy for a few minutes, then people go back to their routine. I leave them, I am the victim. Sorry, I do what is best for me. Being a quiet area helps.
I know this feeling well. I have no answer. I get mad at the neuro I’ve been going to for 6 years -cannot seem to get it through THICK, OVEREDUCATED SKULL~ that I don’t HAVE episodes... same one for six years. Don’t give me the stupid calendars to fill out,, i’m Just gonna wait until the day before and mark 9.5,9.5,9.5, in everyday-never 10 because we all know never to go to the ER.
I’m sorry , hun- but I feel you.
It's really hard but you don't have a choice in that. I have daily migraines caused from a traumatic brain injury which have led to several other things. And where I'm at if your in pain management and take opiods you can't take anything for depression or anxiety and that sucks because I also have ptsd. I have just learned to deal. Some days I stay in my dark room and cry. My moma who was also my very best friend passed away a year ago and she really helped me. Talking to other people does help alot
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