Are There Specific Scents That Upon First Wiff Will Send You Into A Migraine Spiral?
Mine are weed killers and fertilizers, Fabreeze anything, petroleum hot tar, cologne and even deodorant (especially strong scented men's deo., cigar 🤢cigarette smoke, mowing of lawns. Scented candles and room deodorizers.i find I am becoming more sensitive as I get older 😕. Mold, bonfires, fireplaces, cleaning supplies, even dust. Anyone relate?
Gasoline and petroleum products. Burning leaves or wood are the worst. Strong perfumes or aftershave. I can't tell the difference between some of the expensive perfumes and bug spray, and that can be a trigger, too.
Bleach and any cologne or perfume that has a musky smell. Also those that seem to wear half the bottle of whatever their wearing. Ugh!
I have to Avoid the artificial flower aisle in stores because that smell means Instant Migraine...also if I come in contact with someone wearing half a bottle of Cologne/Perfume or using bug sprays, especially wasp/hornet killer also Triggers Mee Big Time... but 9 times outta 10 I normally Wake-up with a Migraine either due to something I ate the previous day or the Barometric Pressure changes and the weather. Soo I have to watch what I eat and I Always check the list of ingredients on All seems like MSG and aspartame are in Everything now-a-days!!!
Lavender, peppermint, vanilla...insanely strong florals- you know... every single other persons favorites 🙄
Hickory wood
I can do spearmint the best, lime, rose, clary sage, patchouli re: essential oils I keep on a scarf with some on it whenever I leave the house
IF anyone has found success in controlling their migraines does that include a migraine caused by smells? I get the feeling it’s futile to keep hunting for a “cure” for migraines from that particular trigger. Aimovig has decreased the number and severity of my migraines in general, which were daily and from sugar, alcohol, bright light, artificial sweeteners, pain, stress etc. which I can in the most part avoid. BUT one whiff of a petroleum based anything, diesel exhaust, perfume, cleaning product and immediate migraine and these are often not avoidable. Any input?
Who Wants To Join Me In Protesting These New Super Stronger Fragrances In Absolutely Everything?
Can Someone Recommend What I Can Take For My Migraines. Advil, Tylenol, Etc Isn't Working For Me
How Much Does The Weather Play A Role With Your Migraine