What Bits Of "advice" Do You Wish People Would Stop Telling You?
Every one in their field says they have the cure. Drink more water,rub this cream on,will them away,my friends cousins dog used xx,maybe you should try it....I dispise Excedrin/Advil commercials who claim their meds stop migraines,even sensitivity to light and sounds,every true migraine sufferer wished Advil would work,its a slap in the face b/c people think that's all it takes. I know people generally want to help but I've also been down the migraine highway and instead of more empty promises of how someone can make them go away,please just say 'I hope you can find a solution that works for you'
The "Well you're not in bed", "If your at work you can't have a migraine", and the infamous suggestions of, "The Salt Cave" will cure you (nope, did not make this one up!), "Just take a hot shower. That will make you feel better" (Why yes, I would LOVE to puke in my shower instead of the toilet! Doesn't everyone??), "Just rub this oil on x part of your body and youre migraine will immediately go away." What most people without migraines do not understand is: Trust us, we have researched and discussed symptom management and prevention with our various and multiple physicians and support groups like this. AND NO, TYLENOL AND MOTRIN DOES NOT HELP! IF they did, we wouldn't live in the fetal position wearing sunglasses in and outdoors during day and night, in a dark room with no volume from anything if possible, hiding under zero light penetrating blankets, obtaining an ab workout from puking and dry heaving, could eat something other than a bland, tasteless diet and keep it down, would go to work as expected by our employers without having to file FMLA paperwork just to keep our jobs! Sorry this is so long, I like many our this group have heard about every suggestion!
I wish people that have no idea what I go through given there opinions. Also try to tell me about what meds I should or should not take. Also for my doctor to tell me that I would get fewer migraines I f I stop talk my my meds. Listen everyone😩. I never asked for this and I wish I never had to deal with migranes. I live everyday with the hope that I don't get a migraine l. I wish I had a magic wand but I dont. So until they find a cite let me let be how I need to. I just glad I can talk to people on here like me. It's is so helpful. Hugs to all of you
Daith piercing...I've thought about it and have teeter-tottered back & forth on it but not sure I want to risk all that is involved or potentially could happen and it not work.
Have you guys seen that meme that’s been going around Facebook that shows a trail in the woods and then below it medication saying the woods are meds and the drugs are merely an addiction? THAT makes me mad. Friends share it and it’s because they don’t understand. I not only suffer from migraines, but severe depression and anxiety, Fibromyalgia, chronic back pain, etc. A chemical imbalance in my body will not be cured by a walk in the woods and I wish people could understand the difference.
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