Does Anyone Else Get Muscular Migraines?
If I over work neck/shoulder muscles I'm in for a bad migraine. I need to build strength in my shoulders but how can I when it brings on a migraine?
Yes, that is one of my triggers, left shoulder and neck muscle spasms. I take a muscle relaxer 2x per day(Skelaxin, only one I've found that works for me ) and use a heating pad a LOT ! I also did PT to "unclench" the spasms, now I have daily exercises that I do to stretch those muscles. Also posture is very important. If I slouch a lot or don't get up from my desk and stretch every hour or two I will get spasms.
I NEVER purposefully try to work them or use them. I'd rather have weak shoulders than work on those muscles and trigger a migraine :-)
I use Voltaren on my shoulders and neck right after a workout before any pain hits. Seems to help.
Try light physical therapy stretches. Just go slowly on increasing tension or weight... Start super light
Yes I do
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