What Is Everyone's Opinions On Botox Injections And Chiropractic Care?
According to my neuro, I don't have any other medical treatment options available due to the type of migraine I have and the medications that have already failed in the past. I have been seeing a chiropractor for a month and still haven't seen any relief. Botox is something that has been on my radar for quite some time, but it was a treatment option I haven't wanted to pursue for several reasons. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
@A MyMigraineTeam Member, how was your jaw effected? I've been having problems w/ mine but never attributed it to the Botox but it just started happening right before my second round. Sometimes it kinda hurts to try eating a burger because it's like the joints are inflamed. And it's only on one side.
I just had my second round of Botox and both times it has just made it worse. First time was 31 injections. Second time 40. Next time it will be roughly 50. If I don't see any relief at all next time I will not do it again. It's extremely painful and I get super sick from the pain. It doesn't help that the day after I get it I have to drive 7+ hours to get home. I travel from the Roanoke, VA area to Philadelphia, PA to see a doctor at the Jefferson Headache Center. They seem to care more than any of the neurologists I've seen but one. I keep my awesome neurologist and he works w/ Jefferson on treatments.
I have had some success, it takes two three month cycles to know if is going to work. Also, make sure to ask your Dr. All the benefits. It can lower pain, cut down the amount of migraines and right now it is helping my abortive work. Prior to Botox all my abortives had stopped working. I take someone with me to the appointment as I find the experience of being injected 32 times not that pleasant but it is worth it. It has cut down my migraines.
I have had 3 @Botox treatments and have been very happy with the results. I did also 2 other things that have seemed to make a huge difference. The first was add @topamax as a preventative and to basically stop using so much @ibuprofen or @Tylenol. I've gone from using 70 otc pills per month to 15. It has made a huge difference. I haven't had a migraine for about 4 weeks. I've had some tension and neck pain, but no full blown migraine. Fingers crossed.
Best of luck if you go with @Botox.
didn't help my migraines, and I am very sick and exhausted from it 6 weeks ago.....
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Question About Botox
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