How Much Work Do You Miss On Average From You Migraines? Or How Do You Cope At Work?
I get anywhere from 14-19 migraines or headaches a month. I have FMLA through my job, my doctor gives me 2 days a month with each episode lasting up to 3 days each. If I'm not taking a day off, and I push through it going to medical doesn't feel like an option for me. I can only stay in there for 45 minutes. It's hard to deal sometimes.
I had to stop working and go on disability. I read that migraines where the number one reason for medical disability..
I also had to get on disability3 years ago because of my migraines.
I have 20 to 25 migraines a month and miss a ton of work and the company i work for is to small to have fmla. Im barely surving even though i see a neurologist who specializes in migraines. I have tried botox, aimovig, can't afford to pay my AFCA insurance, car insurance, food, etc. Also have to see a psychiatrist for anxiety and depression. I wanna try disability but i know how hard it is to get in Texas. I really would just rather work and be better. Im only 43 and I feel hopeless.
@A MyMigraineTeam Member so the Botox was working well for you? My previous neurologist mentioned it then he told me that it wouldn't help me 😔 I was really wanting to give it a go. I hope you start feeling better, I definitely understand your pain and stress. What is the ADA paperwork?
I had to go on disability because I couldn't be reliable anymore.I have migraines so often and it seems like they are lasting longer.
Daith Piercing
"Migraines And Mental Health: Finding Strength"
How Much Does The Weather Play A Role With Your Migraine